Friday, 1 April 2011

More photos from March 26th 2011 protest outside Yemeni Embassy, London

Every Saturday there is a protest outside the Yemen embassy in London which is located at 57 Cromwell Rd, SW7 2ED, opposite the Natural History Museum in South Kensington, a short way down the main road, to the left (west) as you face the main entrance.

Please come to the next protest (Saturday 2nd April 2011) or use whatever channels you can (eg. contacting the Yemeni government, your own elected representatives, other groups and networks you belong to and spreading the word to your friends, family and colleagues) to demand freedom, justice, democracy and respect for the people of Yemen.

I am sorry if I have misled anyone by posting the above. As far as I can tell there was no protest outside the embassy / Natural History Museum on Sat 2nd, but this youtube video appears to be shot opposite Downing Street, yesterday:

Twitter = search for #yemen and #yf ("yf" stands for yemeni freedom) 
Other good english-language twitter accounts:!/TeeJayUK/yemen/members
Some great pictures from Yemen:

More photos from March 26th:
(click on the pictures below for full sized versions)

The white sign behind says E-hal! (leave). In front the Yemeni flag.

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